Friday, May 18, 2012

Insider Knowledge ;-)

I love top Tens. They often make me laugh. So I thought I'd entertain you all with some of the things I've learned over the last couple of years, formated in a Top Ten of my own. 
Happy Friday! 

Top Ten: What I've Learned So Far
(warning ... these are deep! ;) )

10. You can teach a child to toot in the bathroom … at least most of the time.

9. You'll never tire of seeing the wonderment in your child as she learns something new. 

8. If you ask your children to “entertain themselves” while you talk on the phone, they’ll graciously answer “okay” and two seconds later ask you for a snack.

7. You won’t have to wait until they are teens for them to know it all. That seems to start around age 4. So does best friends, holding hands and sharing secrets.  

6. Terrible Twos is a myth -- it's really the threes! Watch out! 

5. Little boys DO jump around more than girls, they think it’s funny to hit their sisters and they get a twinkle in their eyes when you tell them no … at least mine does. But he's still sympathetic when his sister has to sit in time out. 

4. Be careful teaching them about how babies arrive in this world … they may share that with their preschool class.

3. There is NO good name for little boy and girl parts – but you’ll need something so you can make sure they’ve been wiped, covered or washed.

2. According to Audrey when she was three, “elephants like peanuts and Isaac has one.”

1. Never stick your hand out when your eyes are closed in response to: “Here Mommy.” Next line may sound like: “It’s from my tooshie.” 

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