I’d like to take a moment to pay my respects to a dear
couple of friends who met their demise this week.
After a least four years playing antics in our house, taking
innumerable trips around the world, protecting Saylah when she was scared, and
serving as great siblings to Saylah, I am sad to say “Ghost and Another Ghost”
were outted yesterday, along with their co-horts; Wally Weeber and Pirate.
I can’t exactly remember what they looked like, though she
described them to me several times, and I’m unclear of their ages because they
seemed to have birthdays like every five days for a while. I do know though
that they were great kids who apparently were very mature (for whatever age
they were), frequently sick with some weird ailment, and able to float through
glass doors. Ghost and Another Ghost, Wally Weeber and Pirate offered endless
heart giggles to me and many in our family.
If you’ve not figured it out yet, G and AG, Wally Weeber and
Pirate were Saylah’s imaginary friends.
Ghost joined our house when Saylah was around two, shortly
after Audrey was born, if I recall correctly. Soon after observing me with my
brothers during a family visit, Another Ghost joined the scene. Even though Say
was a new sister, apparently she wanted brothers because she has held on to the
stance that Ghost and Another Ghost were her brothers ever since that time. Beginning
her trend of social non-compliance with typical family rules, such as having the
same mom and dad, Saylah insisted Ghost and AG (who had different parents) were
her brothers. (Not adopted btw, because I asked that too.)

My mom was the one who noticed that Ghost and Another Ghost
tended to show up whenever Say was nervous about something or in a non-familiar
place. I’d get a tickle watching her in my review mirror on the way to
somewhere and she’d be giggling and talking to her “brothers.” Often they would
help her stick up to someone or lend her an ear to vent her woes.
I can only assume that since Ben and I played along so well,
she was inspired to invite Wally Weeber into our home. However we didn’t hear
much about him too frequently because Ben and I adopted a theme song for Mr.
WW. It went to the tune of “Let’s go Cardinals, clap, clap, clap clap.” Sung
like: “Wally Weeber, clap clap, clap clap.” She, nor Wally Weeber, were amused.
I guess that’s why he didn’t come around as often. Let this be a lesson to you –
imaginary friend teasing is NOT. Nice.
After the pirate craze took over in Central Florida, Pirate
joined their crew. We didn’t hear a lot about him either actually, but the
foursome traveled together a lot.
Once Audrey claimed Ghost told her something, but Saylah of
course was quick to let her know that she in fact did not hear anything from
Ghost because he only talks to her. Poor Audrey, even her imaginary ghost
brothers ganged up on her!
As the years went on the brother crew “showed up” less and
less in our house. I’d occasionally ask her how they were doing and she’d
reply, “Oh fine. They are spending the night at their mom’s house tonight.” Or,
“They’re good, but Another Ghost was just sick. Ghost coughed on him and now
he’s throwing up.” (Probably should have washed his hands more.)
She is now seven and up until last night, she has sworn they
were real. I never came out and directly asked her if they were or weren’t, but
she would describe them in great detail, so I know she 100% believed in them.
But last night during tuck in, after I asked how G and AG were doing, and after
she said fine, she sheepishly leaned over to me and whispered, “Mom, Ghost and
Another Ghost aren’t really real.” Then she looked a little nervous. I replied,
in a whisper, “I know.” She giggled.
I’ve been wondering for years when her friends would
disappear for good. I’m kinda sad to see their time complete. I’d like to give
them a hug to say thanks for all the fun they brought to our home and all the
comfort they brought to Saylah. Unfortunately, I can’t find their shoulders to
do so.
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