A good friend of mine and I have created a list o’ fun for
we mommies to do. Here’s the thing, we created this fun, fun list about SEVEN
months ago. Um, and well, we’ve not accomplished ONE of these items. I keep
saying, I suppose we are simply no fun. My friend prefers to tag us as “striving
for fun” instead.
However, in spite of not getting out with my friends to go
play -- which I’m sure those of you who know me know I love to play – I absolutely
consider myself fun. Well I realize the fun I actually DO get to have.

I mean in a house full of three kids 7, 5 and 2, how could
you NOT have fun?!? Since Saylah could walk one of Ben and my favorite games
with our kids is hiding behind a wall and jumping out at them. (In a fun parent
way, NOT a scary-gonna-wet-my-pants way.)
The last few weeks I’ve had tons of fun with my kids. Which
is part and parcel for why I’m behind (like 2 months behind) on posting!
Recently I took the kiddos to Turkey Lake Park’s children’s
farm to check out the turkeys, goats, horses and such. After seeing the animals
we went to the playground where I took turns with Isaac sliding down the really
tall slides. If you’ve not been to TLP’s playground – it is BY FAR my favorite playground
(ask my older scouts, they’ll tell you. We’ve had many a game of tag on it.).
The cool thing about kids is you can play and typically
people don’t look at you like you are looney. They say, “aww, what a sweet mom.”
Little do they know those kids are just my excuse to do those silly things.
There are however times where my pride or grown-up-ness does
take over and I decline from the antics. For example: we took my parents’ dog
to the dog park the other day. To sum up the event I need only say that I had
to tell the girls, “This is Charlie’s (the dog’s) park. You are not dogs.” But,
come on, dog parks do look like fun. So I compromised and told them they could
be puppies too but they could not sniff anyone’s tail end. Okay, I’m kidding, I
didn't say that. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. ;)
I told them they could be puppies but they couldn’t walk on
their hands and knees. So they made a doggie obstacle course, that Saylah
convinced her sister to complete but couldn’t get Charlie to run. They asked me
to do the course and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I felt silly. I
mean there were other grown ups there and where as being silly in front of
grown ups who are parents of young kids is one thing. I’m uncertain of the
stigma attached to silliness in front of grown ups with dogs.
I think I made up for it though. For the last couple of
nights, Audrey has decided she’s a monkey and wants to hang upside from the top
rail of her bunk bed to sing her prayers. Well, I like monkeys too.