Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I am NOT the Energizer Bunny

I’ve been thinking a lot about re-energizing lately. Not simply relaxing. I’m trying to figure out what it is that I like to do that really recharges me, gives me that extra zing in my step that helps me wake up tomorrow and set the world ablaze.

I am a very active person (some would state “too active”), but I definitely am blessed to get my fill of fun activities. My husband is really good about supporting me whenever I have another idea of something I want to do. He graciously takes over the task of getting dinner on the table, baths done, squabbles solved and whatever other nuance that may come about, taken care of – solo – so that I can go out with friends, go for a run, go to violin lessons. You name it … he supports it.

But as the day comes to an end, I’m drained as I sit here and type. My ears spy the beginnings of a sibling squabble … when the girls should be sleeping. I can’t quite make out what they are arguing about. Typically it stems from someone not listening to the other. Little voices of indignation marbled with crying, vehemently push their point. Wait. Now Saylah is singing the Star Spangled Banner while her sister is quiet. Squabble resolved. Thank God I didn’t need to go up there.

Ahh, and this is why there is not regular re-energizing. I love doing all the things that I do, but I find myself at a point where I need to be intentional in defining my precise concoction for refreshment. I’m still seeking something that will fully re-charge me after a long week of hybrid-Mommy-hood. (Definition: Hybrid Mommy: Half business woman/ half stay-at-home mom)

For me, the one thing that really gets me ticking is when I take my Girl Scout troop camping for the weekend. Crazy I know. But as exhausting as that is, I see the lives of teens influenced by some pretty cool things and I come home ready and raring to be the best woman I can be! The problem with this scenario is that I can’t go camping every weekend. I mean, sure Ben’s supportive, but that may inspire him to tell me to live in that tent permanently!

Having an idea of what type of thing refreshes you is the first step though. Have you ever pondered that? If you are feeling run down, on any given day, it’s probably because you need to take a little time out for you. Shh, don’t tell anyone, but that time for you is really for them too. So no need to feel guilty about it; a refreshed person = a better person.

As a parent, whether you work full time, part time, stay at home, home school, live with your parents, are single, are married, have little ones, have big ones, have many many ones … you name it, we all need to recharge.

It makes us happier people. It makes us better parents. It makes us think more clearly. It increases creativity. It centers us back to our authentic self. (These are not my assertions by the way … they are actually scientifically proven.)

So, here I am at 9:04 on a Tuesday night … I’ve been home all day, practicing Audrey’s letters in flour, teaching Isaac sign language, folding laundry, straightening up the house, writing copy for my clients, talking to people in California, taking kids to swim lessons, and going to violin lessons, all to culminate with a salad for dinner and a glass of water as I sit and type my blog. I’m still pondering, what is it that I would like to regularly do that will remind me of who I am, in hope of sharing my authentic self every day to my husband, children, friends and family.

Can you relate? What do you do to re-energize?

If you aren’t sure … ponder what activity you like to do that really gets you back to feeling like you.

I hope you’ll join me in this valuable quest to find your specific answer. Good luck!


  1. oh girl...this 'hybrid mommy' can totally relate!
    i write.
    it's my worship.
    i read.
    it's like candy for my brain.
    i ignore the housework and get down on the floor with my kids.
    it's what keeps me 'grounded' - literally : )
    {and my latest magic trick...shhhh...don't tell my kids...i've been quietly getting up super early in the morning to make sure that i'm the one who starts my day...not them : ) it's totally worth the pre-6am alarm!}

    loved reading this post from my kindred spirit friend!

  2. Love you Elizabeth! And love your little secret trick -- I tried that once. but alas I need to do it again. tee hee =) And SO true about being on the floor w/ the kids and NOT fretting over housework ... SO true! xoxo
