What was her name? Annie right? That was one of my favorite
stories when I was a little kid. In fact, at dance the other day Saylah picked
up the level 1 reading book of it and it brought back memories. I was always so
impressed with how stubborn and tenacious she was when trying to connect Helen
to the world.
After this week, I’m pretty sure I’m tougher than teacher
When we first had kids I completely got on board the “pay
now or pay later” mentality. You know the one … the theory that you either
teach your kids now to do the right thing and go through the tough love when
they are young so that when they are older they already have a good foundation
of right and wrong. OR you don’t do that and realize when they have become
terrors that you may not be tough enough for the tough love they are going to
require to now achieve those principals.
Well, I still agree with the theory. HOWEVER, with Mr.
I-man, I’m nearly a year behind. And, man am I paying for it already!
I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions, but after seeing
how mouthy Isaac is becoming (yes, mouthy – even in toddler gibberish) and that
our youngest is quickly showing signs of little Napoleon potential, I thought
it best to make one primary resolution: Isaac Behavior Bootcamp. (I have to
admit I stole the name from my bestie. Thanks Jenn!)
So IBB started this week when the girls went back to school.
So far I’m winning … I think … and by a very narrow margin. It has become clear to me that I’m not entirely
within my wheelhouse of knowledge (like that sports reference? Thanks Ben.) on
this one. Isaac’s boy is coming
out. It’s good of course, but it is entirely different for me.
With the girls, when they did something wrong, they’d get scolded
which would typically be followed by them crying, carrying on, and the need to
perpetually talk about it. Isaac on the other hand; when he gets scolded
actually sticks out his bottom lip, then more often than not, he gets angry and
He gets over it quickly but I have noticed he needs space to
get himself back to center. (I wonder if that’s what Ben has been telling me
all these years when we have our “discussions”? ;) hmm)
So, whereas at one – heck, with Saylah it was like 10 months
– I was putting her in timeout and talking to her about manners and respect, I
am now starting that in full-force (as opposed to the “dabbling” I did in it
last year) teaching Isaac ‘NOT to talk to Mommy and Daddy in that tone,’ ‘yes
you do have to eat all of your food that I serve you’ and ‘no you cannot hit
your sisters.’ Okay, we never let him hit, but he DOES hit. Typically it’s not
in anger. Typically it’s because he is playing, gets worked up and wallop! Queue:
ticked off sister tattling on brother. But we are in full swing of teaching him
that WE are in charge … not him. And so far, I don’t think he’s convinced.
Speaking of hitting. I do have a super funny tale to tell … about
a tail. Saylah’s in particular. Over break, Ben and I are sitting at the
kitchen table after dinner, amused by our three kids chasing each other through
the house, giggling up a storm. Back and forth they were going down and up our
hallway into the family room. In zooms Audrey to the family room who throws
herself facedown on the armchair. Bam, on top of her plops Saylah, keester up,
face down on top of her sister. In gallops Isaac, who also propels himself on
to Saylah. All three are laughing hysterically. Ben and I are smiling and I am
personally loving how fun it is to
watch my kids play together so sweetly. No sooner does that thought come out of
my head then I see Isaac rear his head up, open his mouth and CRUNCH! take a
bite out of Saylah’s backside. Yep, right on the right cheek.
She screamed – as anyone would who recently got bit on the butt
might. Ben and I had to hide our laughs (because come on … that’s funny!). We
did scold Isaac for it. (It’s simply not okay to bite your sister on the
bootie.) But even Saylah admitted (after her bruise subsided) that it was a
little funny.
So this week has been a rude awakening for him. He’s been
forced to eat his whole dinner instead of part of it before getting dessert.
He’s practically lived in timeout. And he’s even gotten a little swat on his
diapered behind. To which, his little bottom lip protrudes and his face gets
all crinkly and he cries. I really don’t care for this withdrawing thing of his
because quite frankly my little heart cries too and all I want to do is scoop
him up and kiss those sweet little crinkles. (I’ve become a softy).
I’ve also decided (because Jenn potty-trained her youngest this
week) to add in potty training, despite all the people who tell me boys do it
later. Has anyone else noticed all our brothers were potty trained the same age
we were? Wish me luck. I’m sure I’ve bitten off more than I can chew! (no bun
pun intended) ;)
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