Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blog-lacking & New Antics

I’m falling behind. I have subscribed to three of the top blogs in the country to get a better idea of how this blogging thing is supposed to work and it seems they send notes out every three days at the least! So, for all my blogging groupies (ha ha) or to those of you just sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear about our newest antics … my apologies for the crickets.

The latest on our front is it seems I MAY be raising slightly sheltered kids … if our recent viewing of The Parent Trap is any indication.

I simply LOVE The Parent Trap. I mean Hayley Mills and Hayley Mills singing Let’s Get Together (yah, yah, yah) rings in my head and brings a smile to my face. So I was stoked when I found it at the library yesterday. I immediately snatched it up in fear that some other mom from my decade would spy it and we’d have a mad dash to get our clutches on the treasured movie. I’m not gonna lie … I may have thrown some elbows should this incident have happened. ;)

I knew that I’d have to probably explain the premise of the movie. The girls have heard of divorce before but they don’t really get it and it’s not a big part of our social circuit. I was a little nervous they’d be distraught over that part, but knew it would be okay.

To my surprise … they didn’t bat an eye at that piece of the plot. However, I’m pretty sure Saylah was entirely put out by the fact that Susan and Sharon (Hayley Mills & Hayley Mills) were going to leave their respective parent and not return to their proper home after camp. Halfway through she looked pointedly at me and said “they are lying Mommy.” She was not amused.

Audrey got stuck on two things. One, she thought the short-haired Hayley was a boy. And two, she told my Mom today when she arrived at my house that “there were two mean kids in the movie.” She was referring to the pranks the girls pulled on each other at camp. I am torn now … laugh at Susan cutting Sharon’s dress or play Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes and point out that’s not proper. If you know me at all … I laughed. Come on, it’s funny. =)

The girls were spot on though when they were aghast at the people smoking. I’m not going to correct that. As long as they think that’s bad for them, the better chance they won’t try when they are old as far as I’m concerned.

If you’re looking for a flash back flick, check this one out again, it is still fabulous! And the ousting of the bride-to-be chick is still funny! Apart from not being able to keep up with who was who, overall the girls enjoyed the movie and Audrey was intrigued by the concept of twins. I didn’t even dive into the fact that it was the same girl. I figured that would totally blow their minds! And I suppose I didn’t scar them too much … Saylah requested to watch it again today … although she did call it The Family Trap. LOL 

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